Regular Castor oil is one kind of vegetable oil, which obtained by burning the seeds of the plant named Castor plant. The scientific name of the plant is Ricinus communis. The familiar name “castor oil.” In other words, Castor Oil is oil, which is founded on the castor bean seed. It is tasteless, odorless, and colorless. The people who cultivate castor beans eliminate the hull of the seed, earlier than pressing it to gain the oil.
The ancient history of Castor oil had a long history in the past. Ancient Egyptians supposedly used this oil for their lamps and lights approximately 4000 BC while Greek explorers or tourists like Herodotus proved that the Egyptians utilized it as a salve. Allegedly, Cleopatra applied it for making brighter the whites of her eyes. All castor oil is naturally derived from the castor plant and for many years has been used for a variety of purposes - a cathartic, laxative and purgative medication, used in skin and hair care products.
Jamaican Black Castor Oil is a uniquely processed Castor oil. It originated from Africa, during the slave trade (1740 to 1810). It was produced by ex-slaves in rural communities in Africa and brought to the Caribbean by Ancestors. It is a Jamaican product and has been part of Jamaica’s cultural heritage since the beginning of the nineteenth century. Jamaican Black Castor was re-introduced to Jamaica in the 1860s by the colonial government and again in 1937, during world war two to provide fuel for household lamps.
It has been grown and harvested in the Caribbean according to traditional processes ever since, producing what is known as black castor oil. Jamaicans have been using black castor oil as their homemade remedy for medicinal purposes, among other folk remedies. Jamaican black castor oil has a reputation for being premium Castor oil on the international market today.